
This blog offers travel advice, inspiration and destination recommendations for families traveling with young children. The blog’s primary goals are to inspire families to travel and provide helpful tools for planning and enjoying their next fun adventure.

Little B and the Boy wants to hear from you! Please comment and share your own experiences and encourage your friends and family to join our discussion.

My philosophy of traveling with a young family:   Book the trip or hop in the car and go.  If you don’t, you’ll never go anywhere.  Yes, you’ll have more to lug through the airport or pack in the car than before you had kids (see my packing checklists) and there will be an occasional challenging moment (or two), but you’ll have memories you and your children will always cherish, your children will learn about the world they live in and maybe you’ll learn something about yourself or your family while you’re at it. My husband and I traveled a lot before we had kids and we didn’t want to stop exploring once the kids were born.  Ever since they were a few months old, our children travel with us enriching each experience.

The story of the name “Little B and the Boy”: When I was pregnant with my twins, doctors referred to my babies as Baby A and Baby B (as they always do with twins).  Baby A was a boy and Baby B was a girl.   I recall at some point a month or two after the babies were born my dad stopped me and said, “Andrea, you do realize your children have names, don’t you?”.  As time went on, we continued to refer to our children as Baby B, which soon morphed into Little B, and the Boy (Baby A never stuck).   We still find ourselves today calling our girl Little B and occasionally, though not directly, referring to our boy as “the Boy”.  Together, they are Little B and the Boy.


Andrea Walsh,  Member, Team Walsh Media, LLC

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